Product Overview
Property insurance is getting more complex by the day. Each commercial solution, buildings that break height records & floors to plants of the most iconic industries, rapid advances in robotics, new methods and materials used in construction, and the energy resources used by industries to keep moving, are just a few examples of how intricate the property insurance may be. It is a challenge for engineers and underwriters who have the hard task of offering solutions to guarantee investors their assets are protected by alternatives that are adapted to the ever-changing property insurance landscape.
The Property All Risk Product is no longer a “commodity” product that it once used to be, it has turned into a flexible and resilient solution that meets the needs of the modern world.
Scope of coverage
The Property All Risk product covers the insured against sudden, unforeseen, unexpected and accidental events that cause loss or physical damage to properties during the policy term – whenever the loss or physical damage has not been caused by any of the risks excluded in the policy.
The main coverage are:
- Fire All Risk
- Earthquake, tsunami and volcanic eruption
- Hurricanes, tidal waves, flooding and other acts of nature
- Strike, civil commotion, malicious damage, vandalism, sabotage and terrorism
- Fire extinguishment expenses, debris removal, and other related expenses
- Business interruption or profit loss
What sets us apart
US$60 million limit per risk that combined with the underwriters’ flexibility and autonomy, allow us to respond as fast as possible. Our ability to react quickly and thoroughly are values that show our commitment towards our clients. In addition, we offer a product:
- Tailored to the specific needs of the insured.
- We provide solutions for both large and medium-sized corporations as distribution and service companies
- Quick quotes, without long questionnaires or questions you cannot answer.
Business target
- Condominiums and residential buildings
- Shopping centers
- Hospitals, clinics and healthcare facilities
- Government offices
- Food and beverage factories
- Wheat mills, sugar mills and food manufacturing
- Metalwork industries
- Cement plants
- Operating construction works and infrastructure projects (airport, rail and road)
Leadership Series - Luis Paternina, Head of Property